Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How's Your Life's Blog Coming?

     Whether you know it or not, you're blogging today.  You are writing your life's story.  Most of us don't think of it like that, but it's true.  Your blog will either be a positive or negative recounting of that story.  Think about it--the power of Story!  People are looking at you.  They see what you do, what you say and how you live your life.  We used to say, "Your life is an open book."  Perhaps now we would say, "Your blog is showing."

    I'm pretty convinced that in order to have a meaningful life there are some necessary ingredients.  As you look at those early Christians in the Book of Acts, their lives were powerful and purposeful.  The reason  for such positive meaning was the coming of the Holy Spirit into their lives on the Day of Pentecost (Acts, Chapter 2).  Far more than just a meaningful ingredient, the Holy Spirit was the all-consuming Dynamic.  He was the core of their lives and all that they did.

    They were writing their Story.  In our language today, they were blogging and it was a blog worth reading.  They were blitzing Jerusalem with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Everywhere they went they were turning things upside down.  Healings were taking place.  Compassionate outreach was happening as offerings were taken to help others.  They were constantly testifying to people everywhere about the power of this revolutionary Jesus whose death and resurrection had brought them from darkness to light.  As a result, scores of people were being added to the church, even though there was persecution.  The story they were writing was to impact human history for all time.  

    How's your life's blog coming?  What kind of a story are you writing?  Is it a story you want the rest of the world to read?  If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your blog will make an impact on someone's life.  Your story will be a connection point to Jesus Christ.  It will be fresh, not phony.  It will resonate authenticity and goodness.  Others will be drawn to you and to Jesus because your life will be like a beautiful flower with a winsome fragrance.  

    I'm eager to read your life's blog.  And when I do, I know it will point me in the right direction.  Happy blogging!  In the power of the Spirit.  

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