Monday, December 24, 2012

2012 Christmas Letter

                                                                                                                        December 2012
Dear Family and Friends,  

Every year seems filled to the brim with activities, but 2012 has to set the record for us. What a year! 

After ten years in St. Petersburg, FL, at Cornerstone Church, LaWanda and I have transitioned back to the Portland/Vancouver area.

We arrived in August, put all our earthly treasures in two storage units and spent four wonderful months with our daughter Sherilyn, son-in-law Allan, Gordon (11) and Canon (10). They were all so gracious and generous; we had a great time. When we weren’t traveling and speaking, we used our extra time to get readjusted to the area and look for a house. Sherilyn and Allan remain very busy and successful in their careers.  The boys are growing so fast and doing great in school. One of the highlights of the year is that they both achieved Black Belt in Taekwondo.   
We also began a very rewarding project with our son Brittian and his wife Kristi. The four of us, along with a core of friends are raising up a new church community. TransFORM Communities is a unique group of believers seeking to encounter Jesus Christ in deep change and engage the world around us. It is so rewarding to work with Brittian and Kristi and we're already experiencing growth, but most of all, God's rich presence.  To be with Ransom (7 ½), Judah (6) and Maxine (18 months) is a grandparent's greatest thrill. 

All of our family is in the same area now. A few weeks before we moved, our older son, Jonathan, transferred here from Los Angeles, so it is wonderful to get to be with him on a regular basis. He lives just 10 minutes from Sherilyn and is spearheading an exciting new project for Kaiser Permanente.  You would know that we're very proud of him.

We’ve managed to keep up with individual ministries, including travel schedules.  I spent two weeks in Lagos, Nigeria, in July teaching leadership at West Africa Theological Seminary to some of Nigeria's most gifted leaders. It was truly a ministry highlight!

LaWanda continues her work as president of Women's Ministries International, leading the U.S. team plus traveling, speaking in women’s conferences in many countries and raising awareness and funds for women’s issues. She’s been to fifteen countries since 2007, the latest being to India in September, where she and the team spoke to hundreds of women in five conferences in four cities. What a privilege to bring hope, instruction and encouragement to these beautiful women.

We've moved and are now in our new (to us) home in Vancouver.  The yard and big trees are beautiful and we’re thrilled to be here. We would love to see you and have plenty of room, so please come visit.

The hymn writer said, “Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel.” So, most of all, as we close 2012, we're glad for the privilege to know our great Emmanuel.  Truly, our “God is with us.”  We are thankful for that knowledge and know He will lead us whatever the New Year brings.  May you have a blessed and happy Christmas season and New Year.

With our love and prayers,
Rex and LaWanda

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