Sunday, December 11, 2011

 “Merry Christmas to you!”
LaWanda and I are so blessed to be a part of your lives, 
our wonderful family and friends.

This has truly been a year filled with events and activities that have taken us to so many different places to fellowship with God's forever family.

LaWanda has ministered in Spain and Kenya, bringing encouragement and hope from God’s Word to women who are living in harsh situations.  It was a special treat for her to have Brittian go with her to Spain. She and I have spoken in The Philippines to pastors and spouses as well as to our European leaders in Madrid.  We've gotten to share with friends in Louisiana, Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Arizona.  We were privileged to watch several years worth of planning come to a climax as we participated in the Free Methodist General Conference and Women's Ministries International General Sessions in Rochester, New York.
It's been the thrill of our lives to continue to help lead the gracious folks at Cornerstone Community Church in St. Petersburg, Florida.  After nine and a half years, they are still the greatest people in all the world and our Cornerstone leadership team is just the best. We are especially thankful for their consistent, faithful prayers. We are blessed indeed!

 Leadership Conference, Butuan-Bancasi, the Philippines
But of course, to be parents and grandparents is what we love most.  To watch our kids and their families attain goals and grow is so wonderful.  Jonathan is advancing with his career in Southern California. Sherilyn and Allan have continued to advance and have added new achievements. (A special ‘Congratulations!’ to Allan for achieving Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do!)  Brittian and Kristi found God’s Grace and each other; it's beautiful to see God at work in their lives.  Gordon-almost 10, Canon-8, Ransom-6 ½, Judah-5, and now little Maxine-8 months, totally capture our hearts.  Geri Sue and Aaron, LaWanda’s niece and husband and their four children, Zach-14, Bret-10, Sarah-8 and Rachel-3, also occupy a very special, close place in our family.

Throughout the year we keep the bond strong with visits by air, phone, email, FaceBook, Twitter and now FaceTime which we LOVE! In a few days, we're looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree and making it "the most wonderful time of the year."  Just to be together is the best gift of all, sharing food, games and sweet fellowship.  LaWanda’s started baking and has made our family’s traditional fabulous fruit cake, with a little help from me J

We would love to spend some time with you and hear what is happening in your life. Thanks for sharing your cards and updates.  Even though we may not get to be with you, we pray that you have warm, meaningful days with those you love.  We're hoping you will take a second look at the manger and God's irrational introduction to all mankind.  His indescribable gift.  His lavish love.  We pray, too, that you will take a second look at each other--witnesses of love personified. Take time to tell others how much you appreciate them and show them how much you care.  Let’s BE the message we need to be and want to be this year!

LaWanda and I pray that the void brought by loss and disappointment, this season, "will only bring a smile", as God's great sovereignty renews our strength and faith.

We pray for you His joy and laughter and a hard drive full of terrific memories!  May 2012 bring you many blessings and much fruit in this life and for eternity!
With our love,
Rex and LaWanda

Sherilyn, Allan, Gordon, Canon

Brittian, Krisit, Ransom, Judah, Maxine

Rex Bullock: Celebrating Christmas Without Going Crazy I just c...

Rex Bullock: Celebrating Christmas Without Going Crazy
I just c...
: Celebrating Christmas Without Going Crazy I just came from trying to do a bit of Christmas shopping. Within five minutes I was extreme...
Celebrating Christmas Without Going Crazy

I just came from trying to do a bit of Christmas shopping.  Within five minutes I was extremely tired and ready to leave.  After almost being run over several times and still not finding what I was looking for, I gave up.  What a great commercial I could make for online shopping!  Better yet, why not just figure out something to give which doesn't mean getting in such a hurry, frustrated and depressed.

In all the scriptures surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ, not one of the principle players seemed hurried.  Each one recognized that this was God's celebration.  While ruminating on my failed shopping trip, I have identified some guidelines which might keep us all from going crazy during the holidays.

#1  We must keep a clear perspective on Christmas.

What are we trying to accomplish?  Are we trying to impress people?  Are we trying to keep up with someone else's expectations?  Many people are trying to maintain some traditions that have outlived their usefulness.  

Sometimes in all our busy rush, Christ is totally ignored.

Keep reminding yourself that this is Christ's birthday.  Are you honoring Him?  Does He have the prominent place in our festivities?

#2  We must re-evaluate our priorities.

Is our busyness really necessary?  It is easy to get pressured by the expectations of others.  What would others think about us if we don't do what we have always traditionally done.  We think we must send out Christmas cards.  We must host parties and exchange gifts.  Plus, we must make sure it is politically correct.  What would happen if you cut some of these things out?  Perhaps other people's expectations are not as strong as we think.  Our busyness may be self-imposed.  Maybe we're trying to keep up with our own high standards.

This year, we won't be sending all the Christmas cards we used to send.  LaWanda doesn't bake or cook as much as she did at one time.  We are cutting back.  Things of lesser importance must go.  You should decide what be be eliminated in order to still have a meaningful celebration.

#3  We must be alert to people at Christmas.  Luke's Gospel (Luke 1:78,79) talks about the fact that our Dayspring (Jesus Christ) came to bring light to those who are in darkness.  He had time for people.  At Christmas it is so easy to turn our attention to food, gifts, decorations, cards, travel and many other things.  Why not re-focus on PEOPLE, including those in our own families.  We need to show love, support and encouragement--even if we don't get some other things done which we wanted to do.

To ignore Christmas is not Christ-honoring, but a frantic busyness is no better.  This year, break the mold.  Change the pattern.  Christmas is about LOVE.  Now, you can celebrate it without going crazy.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rex Bullock: He Just Keeps Rising

Rex Bullock: He Just Keeps Rising: He Just Keeps Rising Advent brings us face to face with the fact that Jesus, our Emmanuel, came to this planet when darkness and ho...

He Just Keeps Rising

He Just Keeps Rising

Advent brings us face to face with the fact that Jesus, our Emmanuel, came to this planet when darkness and hopelessness pervaded everything.  Society was so debauched that "every man did what was right in his own eyes."  Pain, corruption, scandal, deprivation, degradation and godlessness prevailed, but then He came.  His coming changed everything.  His coming changed hearts, lives, societies--He brought hope to a dying world.

Two thousand years later we find ourselves enshrouded in pain, corruption, scandal, deprivation, degradation and godlessness once again.  Western societies in particular seem bent on writing Him out of the script.  Every week there's a new assault on Christ's values and principles.  We seem to be rapidly moving toward a society which sidelines and minimizes all things Christian.  To many, He is simply irrelevant and probably unnecessary.

But there's something irrepressible about our Emmanuel.  The one who came to be with us and to live in us will not be shunted away quite so easily.  About the time we think He can be erased out of our lives, this Emmanuel shows up.  He just keeps rising.  He's there in the most interesting places.  He intersects our lives when we don't even expect it and perhaps don't want it.  There He is, breaking down barriers, showing love and hope, joy and peace.  Most of all He brings forgiveness and new life.  

Tonight my wife, LaWanda and I, were enjoying a PBS special concert from New York City.  One of our favorite singers, Andrea Bocelli, accompanied by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and  Westminster Choir, was thrilling over 50,000 people braving the rain and chill in Central Park.  Millions more around the world were watching as this man with an incredible voice sang opera classics and pop favorites.  Beautiful, almost beyond description.

Suddenly, the conductor's baton dropped and the orchestra began the opening bars of a song known to believers the world over.  It has been sung in the smallest, most primitive churches and in the great cathedrals of the world.  When Andrea Bocelli began to sing "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see," my heart leaped right up in my throat.  I thought, you can't banish our Emmanuel.  He just keeps rising.

As the camera panned the thousands of urban dwellers, many weighed down with the problems of sin and woe, Bocelli sang the second verse, "Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved, how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed." People all over the huge crowd were singing with him and when the final chorus ended the applause was the most thunderous of the evening.  There He was and John Newton's words were emblazoned on millions of hearts.

What a great time to embrace our Emmanuel and bring Him into the core of our lives.  Don't try to marginalize Him or emasculate His power and glory.  You'll find that He just keeps rising.