Sunday, December 11, 2011

 “Merry Christmas to you!”
LaWanda and I are so blessed to be a part of your lives, 
our wonderful family and friends.

This has truly been a year filled with events and activities that have taken us to so many different places to fellowship with God's forever family.

LaWanda has ministered in Spain and Kenya, bringing encouragement and hope from God’s Word to women who are living in harsh situations.  It was a special treat for her to have Brittian go with her to Spain. She and I have spoken in The Philippines to pastors and spouses as well as to our European leaders in Madrid.  We've gotten to share with friends in Louisiana, Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Arizona.  We were privileged to watch several years worth of planning come to a climax as we participated in the Free Methodist General Conference and Women's Ministries International General Sessions in Rochester, New York.
It's been the thrill of our lives to continue to help lead the gracious folks at Cornerstone Community Church in St. Petersburg, Florida.  After nine and a half years, they are still the greatest people in all the world and our Cornerstone leadership team is just the best. We are especially thankful for their consistent, faithful prayers. We are blessed indeed!

 Leadership Conference, Butuan-Bancasi, the Philippines
But of course, to be parents and grandparents is what we love most.  To watch our kids and their families attain goals and grow is so wonderful.  Jonathan is advancing with his career in Southern California. Sherilyn and Allan have continued to advance and have added new achievements. (A special ‘Congratulations!’ to Allan for achieving Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do!)  Brittian and Kristi found God’s Grace and each other; it's beautiful to see God at work in their lives.  Gordon-almost 10, Canon-8, Ransom-6 ½, Judah-5, and now little Maxine-8 months, totally capture our hearts.  Geri Sue and Aaron, LaWanda’s niece and husband and their four children, Zach-14, Bret-10, Sarah-8 and Rachel-3, also occupy a very special, close place in our family.

Throughout the year we keep the bond strong with visits by air, phone, email, FaceBook, Twitter and now FaceTime which we LOVE! In a few days, we're looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree and making it "the most wonderful time of the year."  Just to be together is the best gift of all, sharing food, games and sweet fellowship.  LaWanda’s started baking and has made our family’s traditional fabulous fruit cake, with a little help from me J

We would love to spend some time with you and hear what is happening in your life. Thanks for sharing your cards and updates.  Even though we may not get to be with you, we pray that you have warm, meaningful days with those you love.  We're hoping you will take a second look at the manger and God's irrational introduction to all mankind.  His indescribable gift.  His lavish love.  We pray, too, that you will take a second look at each other--witnesses of love personified. Take time to tell others how much you appreciate them and show them how much you care.  Let’s BE the message we need to be and want to be this year!

LaWanda and I pray that the void brought by loss and disappointment, this season, "will only bring a smile", as God's great sovereignty renews our strength and faith.

We pray for you His joy and laughter and a hard drive full of terrific memories!  May 2012 bring you many blessings and much fruit in this life and for eternity!
With our love,
Rex and LaWanda

Sherilyn, Allan, Gordon, Canon

Brittian, Krisit, Ransom, Judah, Maxine

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