Friday, November 25, 2011

Bring It All!

During the Thanksgiving holiday I was looking through an old file of material when I saw this quote by John Newton, the notorious slave trader turned preacher extraordinaire:
Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring,
For His grace and power are such
None can ever ask too much.

I have been made aware about how large the needs are at this moment in time.  Having just returned from Europe where I met with church leaders from ten European countries, I listened to the immense challenges they are facing--a secular society which at times seems very anti-Christian, economic collapse in many nations and a lack of Christian workers.  Their backs seem up against the wall.  

But, they aren't the only ones who are staring down impossible situations.  Recently, one of our friends who has managed the office of a major insurance company for 34 years, was told that she was terminated and that she should clean out her desk and be out by the end of the day.  Another family's 15 year old daughter is facing her 6th bout with cancer.  She can't remember when she wasn't facing a fight with some form of cancer.  Their emotions and finances are depleted.  Those stories can be repeated thousands of times all over the world.  Our world is groaning under the weight of mammoth problems.

It's then that we must remember John Newton's words--"Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring..."  One doesn't bring trivial matters to a king.  Few situations are too great for a king's power.  The breadth and depth of his might are immense.  If that is true of an earthly despot, think how mighty our heavenly King is.  Don't worry about your need being too large for Him.  "For His grace and power are such None can ever ask too much.

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).  That links marvelously with Ephesians 3: 20-21, which reads: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen."

So, you can bring it all in to Him.  He is big enough and powerful enough to handle whatever it is that's overwhelming you.  HE IS THE KING.  You can't ask too much with Him.  Bring it!  Bring it all!  

Friday, November 11, 2011

Go in His Name

I am feeling very expectant at this moment.  Jesus Christ is building His Church and I can hardly wait to see the result.  He is doing a masterful job and it is beautiful.  Oh, I'm not talking about brick and mortar or glass high rise sanctuaries.  It's about PEOPLE.  God is building us.  The Church of the Living God--and you can add whatever title you want to it.  It may be your denomination's name or it might be your local gathering of believers, or it might just be you.  God's Church is US.  

A fresh, loving church.  We are to go in His Name.  As we do, He will begin to stir new confidence in our lives.  He has granted that instrument--His own name--as the signature, the badge of authority, the security, the guarantee of every promise offered us in His Word.  And in that Name, we are to expect results.  In my life, my family.  In our neighborhoods.  In our churches.  In our world.

I am in Madrid, Spain, as I write, in fellowship with scores of church leaders from countries throughout Europe.  I am supposed to be here to speak to them, to offer a word of encouragement.  But as I listen to their stories of what is happening in their lives, I am the one encouraged.  Europe is in a mess.  Every newspaper and newscast around the world has screamed the headlines of financial disaster in Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries.  Financially, this continent is in a tailspin.  

However, as I listen to stories from France, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands and more, I am hearing about what Jesus Christ is doing in the lives of people.  These leaders are realistic about what is happening in their countries.  They know that the stakes are high and that miracles are needed--NOW.  But, they also know that they are going in the Name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  They are watching miracles happen every day.  They sense the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  They have the authority of the Spirit on their side and they are bombarding Satan's territory.

I hope that your are a part of the First Church of Jesus Christ.  Let me urge you to go in His name and be an instrument of His love and grace.  Just like these European leaders, He wants to use you at any time and anywhere.  Go!  But GO IN HIS NAME!

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Getting Rid of Clunkers"

Do you remember the "Cash for Clunkers" program which was instituted by the federal government?  Maybe you participated in it.  My friend Dr. Darrel Riley shared some interesting thoughts about the CARS (Car Allowance Rebate System).  The program offered customers a $3500 - $4500 discount if they would trade their old, gas guzzling, fume spewing vehicle and purchase a new, environmentally friendly vehicle.  It was supposed to be a win - win:

     *  Consumers got a huge discount on a new car, truck or leased vehicle
     *  The program was supposed to energize the economy, boosting auto sales
     *  Safer, cleaner, more fuel efficient vehicles would now impact our environment

I've been wondering if "clunkers" exist in places other than our garages or driveways.  We have some "clunker programs" in our churches--events that we continue to hang on to, repeating year after year, which have lost their effectiveness.  

Pastor and church leader, here are just a few questions to ask:

     *  Do you have church programs based more on nostalgic memories than on current need?
     *  Have any of your ministries become "fuelish," taking too much money or manpower to maintain?
     *  Do the events you have affect your "environment"--are you impacting your community?

As you start new things, STOP doing those ministry programs which are no longer effective.  Let's appreciate the past but not live there.

Like Paul, keep moving forward: "I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward to Jesus.  I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.  So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us."  Message, Phil 3:12

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"If you judge people, 
you have no time to love them."

Here are a couple of early morning thoughts to consider:

     *  "I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money.  No I wouldn't
         touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God."

     *  "I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I do know that when we die and it 
         comes time for God to judge us, He will NOT ask, 'How many good things have you done
         in your life?'  rather He will ask, 'How much LOVE did you put into what you did?' "

Mother Teresa

Saturday, November 5, 2011

God's Prayer Force

Recently, while reading A Little Book About Prayer by Dr. W. E. McCumber, I was jolted by these words: "A church may distinguish itself for a number of good things and yet fail.  It may be a church noted for its music or for its preaching or for its philanthropies or for its friendliness or for its influence over politics and culture.  But if that church is not also and chiefly distinguished for its praying, it is arranging its own funeral."

Dr. McCumber went on to say, "The will of God cannot be known or done by a church that does not pray.  The mission of Christ is unsafe in the hands of a prayerless church.  The devil fears nothing less than he fears a people who play at religion, but do not pray."

We are desperately in need of people who will join God's Prayer Force.  This is a person who has a ministry of prayer for the Lord's work around the world.  He or she prays regularly for family members, but their circle of concern is much larger.

I have known some great prayers in my lifetime.  I well remember a group who made it their specific job to pray until they got definite answers from God.  My own life was changed by their prayers.  They lifted me to the Throne of God in a mighty concert of prayer regarding some very big needs in my life.  I am convinced that God met those needs because of their faithfulness in prayer.

Often these are people who are not seen up front in public.  Many are "behind-the-scenes" people.  Because of age or sickness, they may not be able to attend church services.  It is very likely they will not receive recognition or earthly reward.

But, let me tell you, it is impossible to overstate the importance of prayer ministry.

     *  Prayer puts a wall of protection around those for whom we intercede.  Prayer supplies
         strength for those who labor for God.

     *  Prayer pushes back the forces of darkness and opens the door for the entrance of the gospel

     *  Prayer invites the operations of God's Spirit upon situations of need and calls down divine
         power upon the preaching of the gospel.

Pray!  For Christ's sake, for the world's sake and for your own sake, PRAY!

Friday, November 4, 2011

So, Are You Missional or Miserable?

As we near the holiday season when we think about Jesus coming as a baby in a manger, one of the words which comes to mind is "mission."  His mission was to bring hope and salvation to a very sick world.  Today, we are using a buzzword called "missional."  I love the word because I love the world.  It simply means that we are striving to do the mission.  Do you think you are missional?  Is your church missional?

Church is not an indoor activity.  Church should be done outdoors--outside the weekly indoor gatherings. Outside the church doors is where the world is and, consequently, where we as the church must be.  Oh, it's great to come inside for cookies and milk or even a hearty meal, but we should head right back outside  to experience life.  When I was a kid my mother would send us right back outside to play after we had eaten.  On rainy days we played inside because we needed a safe place to stay dry.  On sick days we played quietly inside because we needed a place to get well, but life happened outdoors where we liked to play Robin Hood or Lone Ranger or Superman.

The world is not waiting inside the church.  The world is waiting outside our doors.  We gather in order to be filled up and then be poured out.  We gather to dream and imagine, so we can leave re-energized to do God's mission.  We were created for beats in our hearts and resounds in our imaginations.

My most miserable days were when I had to stay indoors.  I wanted to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and all of nature.  If I had to stay inside, I was seldom happy.  I longed to be outdoors.  I was so much more fulfilled outside.  I remember having an insecure babysitter who wouldn't let us outdoors because she was afraid we might get hurt.

That's like many pastors I know.  They are insecure about letting the church outdoors to set the captives free.  I can almost hear them say, "What if they end up getting involved with worldly people?  They won't be available to do church stuff."  With the church indoors, pastors must become entertainers instead of equippers.

My mother was an equipper.  She would put my boots and coat on me.  She would help me get into my uniform so I could go play sheriff or cowboys and Indians.  I couldn't wait to get outside so that I could live out my identity, my destiny, my dreams and my mission.

The church is kind of miserable because it is not very missional.  As for me?  "Open the door, let me out!  I am miserable unless I am missional!"  So, how about you?