Friday, November 4, 2011

So, Are You Missional or Miserable?

As we near the holiday season when we think about Jesus coming as a baby in a manger, one of the words which comes to mind is "mission."  His mission was to bring hope and salvation to a very sick world.  Today, we are using a buzzword called "missional."  I love the word because I love the world.  It simply means that we are striving to do the mission.  Do you think you are missional?  Is your church missional?

Church is not an indoor activity.  Church should be done outdoors--outside the weekly indoor gatherings. Outside the church doors is where the world is and, consequently, where we as the church must be.  Oh, it's great to come inside for cookies and milk or even a hearty meal, but we should head right back outside  to experience life.  When I was a kid my mother would send us right back outside to play after we had eaten.  On rainy days we played inside because we needed a safe place to stay dry.  On sick days we played quietly inside because we needed a place to get well, but life happened outdoors where we liked to play Robin Hood or Lone Ranger or Superman.

The world is not waiting inside the church.  The world is waiting outside our doors.  We gather in order to be filled up and then be poured out.  We gather to dream and imagine, so we can leave re-energized to do God's mission.  We were created for beats in our hearts and resounds in our imaginations.

My most miserable days were when I had to stay indoors.  I wanted to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and all of nature.  If I had to stay inside, I was seldom happy.  I longed to be outdoors.  I was so much more fulfilled outside.  I remember having an insecure babysitter who wouldn't let us outdoors because she was afraid we might get hurt.

That's like many pastors I know.  They are insecure about letting the church outdoors to set the captives free.  I can almost hear them say, "What if they end up getting involved with worldly people?  They won't be available to do church stuff."  With the church indoors, pastors must become entertainers instead of equippers.

My mother was an equipper.  She would put my boots and coat on me.  She would help me get into my uniform so I could go play sheriff or cowboys and Indians.  I couldn't wait to get outside so that I could live out my identity, my destiny, my dreams and my mission.

The church is kind of miserable because it is not very missional.  As for me?  "Open the door, let me out!  I am miserable unless I am missional!"  So, how about you?

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