Friday, November 11, 2011

Go in His Name

I am feeling very expectant at this moment.  Jesus Christ is building His Church and I can hardly wait to see the result.  He is doing a masterful job and it is beautiful.  Oh, I'm not talking about brick and mortar or glass high rise sanctuaries.  It's about PEOPLE.  God is building us.  The Church of the Living God--and you can add whatever title you want to it.  It may be your denomination's name or it might be your local gathering of believers, or it might just be you.  God's Church is US.  

A fresh, loving church.  We are to go in His Name.  As we do, He will begin to stir new confidence in our lives.  He has granted that instrument--His own name--as the signature, the badge of authority, the security, the guarantee of every promise offered us in His Word.  And in that Name, we are to expect results.  In my life, my family.  In our neighborhoods.  In our churches.  In our world.

I am in Madrid, Spain, as I write, in fellowship with scores of church leaders from countries throughout Europe.  I am supposed to be here to speak to them, to offer a word of encouragement.  But as I listen to their stories of what is happening in their lives, I am the one encouraged.  Europe is in a mess.  Every newspaper and newscast around the world has screamed the headlines of financial disaster in Greece, Italy, Spain and other countries.  Financially, this continent is in a tailspin.  

However, as I listen to stories from France, Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, the Canary Islands and more, I am hearing about what Jesus Christ is doing in the lives of people.  These leaders are realistic about what is happening in their countries.  They know that the stakes are high and that miracles are needed--NOW.  But, they also know that they are going in the Name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  They are watching miracles happen every day.  They sense the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  They have the authority of the Spirit on their side and they are bombarding Satan's territory.

I hope that your are a part of the First Church of Jesus Christ.  Let me urge you to go in His name and be an instrument of His love and grace.  Just like these European leaders, He wants to use you at any time and anywhere.  Go!  But GO IN HIS NAME!

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